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In lieu of our 2021 residential retreat at the Hollyhock Center in BC, Canada, we have reimagined the course to offer it to you from the comfort of home.

The magic and aliveness of our loving connection is too often lost in deadening habits, competing priorities and the pressures of daily life. Rekindle and profoundly deepen your love and partnership by learning the attitudes and skills of conscious partnership.

This program is for you and your partner if you would like to:

  • Rekindle your romance

  • Develop skills to last a lifetime

  • Enliven your sensual connection

  • Have more fun together

  • Choose love every day

  • Transform difficult emotions and relational patterns

  • Communicate more lovingly & effectively

An Online Couples' Retreat - How does it work?

We are excited to be offering Sharing the Path Online.  Our new non-residential design allows you to have the same profound learning experience in the ease, comfort and privacy of your own home.  


In place of a 5-day intensive, our 3-week program will provide both the deep dive you would get in a residential retreat while helping you integrate your learning into daily life. Rather than a retreat, it’s actually a couples advance!




Before our first live session, you review together a pre-recorded video introduction to the program and create personal goals for your improved relationship.


For our opening live Saturday-Sunday program, we invite you to spend the entire weekend together- either go off to a beautiful place or stay-cation in your own home.  We will be with you live 5- 6 hours each day.  But far from staring at a screen, much of the time you will be sharing with your partner, as we guide you in deep exchanges of mind, heart, body and spirit.


Perhaps you’ve had experiences of going away together, feeling connected, only to lose the intimacy as you return to busy lives.


In this Sharing the Path “advance,” we’ll come home with you.


The next 3 Wednesday evenings we’ll rejoin you live, continuing to offer teachings and practices.


For the 3 weeks of the program, we’ll ask you to commit a minimum of 15 minutes each and every day to engage in one of our couples’ practices.  Most mornings you’ll receive an email with options for getting the most out of your between-session time.


Much of what couples need is simply time dedicated to being together.  So each of the following 2 Saturdays you will be asked to set aside a minimum of 2 hours over the weekend to deepen and nurture your relationship.  We’ll send you a video with a special teaching for each weekend, along with options for how to enjoy and embody the lesson.


Our time together ends on the third Saturday with two more live sessions. We’ll guide you in harvesting your learning and creating new commitments to help build and sustain a lifetime of partnership and love.

Who is this retreat for?

Sharing the Path is a retreat for couples who seek greater connection, intimacy, and joy. It is equally useful for those whose relationship is basically healthy looking for skills and deepening and those who are currently more challenged.  Couples of all orientations warmly welcomed.

Please note: This retreat is not a substitute for psychotherapy for those in a rocky place.

What will you learn?

Each session will address one or more practices including:​

  • Authenticity

  • Personal responsibility

  • Empathy

  • Appropriate boundaries

  • Sensuality and intimacy

  • Deep listening & skillful communication

  • Enjoying the moments of life together

Throughout the retreat, Judith & Robert will share their wisdom & experience while masterfully guiding you in practices to challenge and inspire you to break through to new possibilities and learn skills for a lifetime of good partnership and love.

Experience breakthroughs into deeper intimate connection, heal old wounds, and learn new skills to support your ongoing path of relationship. 

Sharing the Path

June 26 - July 17, 2021



Live Weekend Intensive
Saturday, June 26
8:30 – 11:30 am and 1:00 – 4:00 pm Pacific Time

Sunday, June 27
9:00 – 12:00 pm and 2:00 – 4:00 pm Pacific

Option to include a stay at Hollyhock on Cortes Island!

Live Weekly Sessions
Wednesdays, June 30, July 7, July 14
4:30 – 6:30 pm Pacific


Pre-recorded Sessions
On Saturdays July 3 & July 10, you will receive pre-recorded videos containing 2 hours of practices to do in your own time over the weekend.

Live Closing Session
Saturday, July 17
9:00 – 12:00 pm and 2:00 – 4:00 pm PT

In addition, participants will receive an email each weekday with tips and brief practices to help you keep your connecting going on a daily basis. Plan on 15-20 minutes each day for practice.


$1000/couple (USD)

$1265/coupe (CAD)

***Book by May 26, 2021 to receive 10% off listed prices***

For more info, contact Hollyhock or our Program Coordinator

What participants say:

"We didn't feel we needed it.  But now we’re so happy to say, 'Why did we live without it?' This is absolutely the best thing any committed couple could do for their relationship.”

– LT & BT, San Francisco, CA 

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