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Judith and Robert have guided thousands of couples to deepen and enrich their love relationships.  The gift they offer couples is a living synthesis of their training in in psychotherapy and spiritual practice, infused with their immersion in the arts and social change.  Their masterfully-guided retreats have been field tested not only with others, but in the still vibrant laboratory of their 55 years of loving partnership.

About Judith Ansara, MSW

About Robert Gass, EdD

Robert Gass is internationally-recognized for over 40 years of pioneering work in training and coaching leaders, organizational transformation, and large systems change.


He is passionately committed to supporting those working for social justice and environmental sustainability. Co-founder of the Rockwood Leadership Institute and the Social Transformation Project, Robert has trained thousands of environmental, social justice, and human rights leaders in the inner and outer arts of leadership. He coaches and consults to senior leaders and organizations such as the NAACP, Sierra Club, Amnesty International, United Auto Workers,, Center for Community Change, Global Fund for Women, National Congress of American Indians, AVAAZ, SEIU (Service Employees Int. Union) Greenpeace International and The Obama White House.


Earlier his career, Robert was the President of ARC International, a global consulting and training company specializing in transformational change with Fortune 500 companies. In keeping with his current social mission, Robert now supports socially-conscious entrepreneurs seeking to find solutions to today’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.


For many years he has served as executive coach to national business, non-profit, spiritual and political leaders.


Holding a doctorate in Organizational and Clinical Psychology from Harvard University, Robert’s work draws on a diverse background that includes having run a hospice program, being a performing musician and recording artist with 20 albums to uplift the human spirit, and a lifelong study of different forms of meditation.

Judith has served as a teacher, consultant, and coach for over 40 years in her commitment to foster a conscious, just and sustainable world. 

A former psychotherapist, her work now focuses on coaching and mentoring leaders with a special focus on women’s leadership. She believes every individual has a unique contribution to make and that our inner work is inseparable from our work in the world. 

One of the original trainers for the Rockwood Leadership Institute’s The Art of Leadership, Judith has continued to facilitate trainings, organizations and provide coaching for leaders from groups including: Search for Common Ground,  Center for Community Change, Global Fund for Women, Avaaz, Witness, Just Vision,  Spitfire Strategies, UNICEF, the University of Colorado and the City of Boulder.
 Judith was also co-creator and trainer of The Peacemaker Institute's year-long leadership trainings, which guided students in the inner and outer arts of peacemaking and social change. 

She has taught Transpersonal Psychology at Naropa University and Strategic Communications at the University of Massachusetts.  She has been a long-time faculty at centers like Omega, Hollyhock and Esalen, offering programs ranging from women’s leadership to transformational coaching and embodied contemplative practice.

Judith brings to her work decades of spiritual study and practice, and she serves as a mentor to advanced students.  She has pioneered an ecumenical approach to integrating spiritual principles into daily life in a way that is inclusive and respectful of all people, all beliefs and orientations. 

Judith enjoys multiple expressions including as a writer, improvisational dancer, artist, social activist, mother and grandmother.  Her love of life is contagious!

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Check out Judith's 

poetry book:

The Bones We Once

Belonged To

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Check out Robert's website for:

  • Leadership Trainings

  • Leadership Tools & Publications

  • Consulting

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